Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Banned Books Week: September 24-October 1

Where's Waldo.  Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  The Bible.  Gone with the Wind.  The Odyssey.

What do all of these books have in common?

At some point in their history, all of these books have been challenged, censored or banned - some of them for the strangest reasons.  Even the dictionary hasn't escaped getting banned!

On its surface, censorship may seem like a simple, straightforward issue - why would anyone want to ban A Very Hungry Caterpillar? - but arguments for and against the freedom to read can be very complex, ranging from protective parents to restrictive governments to concerns about racism.

In celebration of Banned Books Week, from September 24 - October 1 the SCTC Libraries will be tackling some of the difficult questions surrounding censorship and book banning.  Keep an eye on the SCTC Library Facebook page and the blog as we look at different banned books, talk about why they were censored, and think about whether libraries should defend the public's freedom to read or work as gatekeepers to control and limit 'dangerous' information.

What do you think?  Do you have any opinions about censoring books, or have you ever seen a book in a library that you really think didn't belong there?  Start a discussion in the comments section!

Monday, September 12, 2011

September Book Club meeting: The Help

The new SCTC book club is kicking off its first semester with the book that inspired a movie with the same title - The Help by Kathryn Stockett.

The book follows three women from Jackson, Mississippi in 1962 as they join forces on a dangerous project to expose the hypocrisy, racism and abuse they endure in their town.  Set against the larger backdrop of the civil rights movement, the book narrows its focus to domestic spaces and how racism impacted  the lives of working African American women in the sixties.  You can find reviews and a more in-depth summary of the book here on Goodreads.

Interested in reading and discussing this book?  Come to the book club meeting for discussion, new officer elections and free coffee!
Where:  The SCTC Library
When:  Thursday, September 22 at 5.00 PM

Need to get a copy of the book?  Ask an SCTC librarian for a voucher that will get you 20% off a copy of The Help at Books-a-million or Bookland.

We hope to see you there!