Wednesday, November 2, 2011

National Book Month: Finding Books Reviews and Literary Criticism

Reposted from GALILEO News and Announcements:

October is National Book Month, an annual celebration of writers and readers. In honor of this celebration, we have been offering tips each week on how to use GALILEO resources to find books and authors along with reviews and criticism.

This month, we have learned how to find book lists, find the next book to read, and find more authors like a favorite.

For our last tip in this series, we will see how to quickly find reviews and literary criticism for books and authors.

In Literary Reference Center, search for an author or book title (or even a theme). Click the Literary Criticism tab to see work analyses and criticism, or click the Reviews tab to see book reviews from a variety of sources.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

David's 2nd Blog Ever!!

Ok folks so how bout I'm just now getting around to finding out the "scientists" of the world have disowned Pluto as a planet!! What the *&^% happened there?? Everyone I know says Pluto is a planet because these same scientists have been telling us it was since (for most of us) day one! Now they say it's too small and its gravity is too weak and its orbit isn't uniform enough... so based on this type of logic a Chihuahua isn't a dog, a South African Black-Footed Cat isn't a cat and anyone born under like 6 lbs isn't human!!! BOGUS! Trust me, I know it is. So yea, now poor lil Pluto is a dwarf planet and is in a new list of about 40 other celestial bodies that don't have a name yet...

Technology Tuesday: Google Games and Typing Sharks

Here on the blog we try to highlight fun, free and easy ways to sharpen your research and computer skills.  Today's Technology Tuesday tips are A Google A Day and Typer Shark, games that painlessly improve the way you type and search for information online.

A Google A Day
WhatGoogle releases a new puzzle every day that puts your googling skills to the test.  Race against the clock to find answers to these daily questions, and improve your searching skills in the process!
Example: You just ordered “κρασί” from a menu in the southernmost country in Europe. What will be brought to your table?
Where: A Google A Day
How: Looking for search help, or want to work with other daily googlers?  Check out this online community where people try to crack A Google A Day together.

Typer Shark
What: No matter what your typing skills, this free online game is a fun and stress-free way to brush up on your speed and accuracy.  Even if you hardly ever touch a keyboard, the game has a tutorial mode that takes you step-by-step through new typing skills.  Once you master the tutorial, you move on to zapping sharks by typing the words spelled on their sides.  Too slow, and you're shark bait!
WhereTyper Shark!
How:  No download necessary; you can play this game directly online through the PopCap website.

Have any online learning games you'd like to recommend?  Let us know in the comments section!