Thursday, January 12, 2012

Finding gold in GALILEO

Welcome to the second day of classes!  Now that you have your class syllabi in hand, you may be eyeing up a research project or two that you have in your future.  Different instructors want different things, but almost every research paper stresses the same need: sources!  

This is where GALILEO can step in to help you out.  You may have heard of GALILEO as a great resource for scholarly articles, but it's also more than that.  Scratch a little beneath the surface, and you'll find some fascinating video, image, and historical document collections.  Here's just a sampling of some unexpected collections you might find on GALILEO!

C-SPAN Visual Library (Link)
Through GALILEO, you have full access to up-to-date C-SPAN videos on topics ranging from the federal budget, to climate change policy, to U.S. health care.  As an election year, 2012 should be especially eventful for the C-SPAN library - check out Q&A and campaign events with presidential hopefuls!  Browse by subject or date, or search for a specific video.

Arts of the United States (Link)
This database includes more than 4,000 examples of high-quality artworks by American artists, dating back to the 17th century.  These images can be sorted into groups and emailed in bulk.  Ranging from classic American painters like Thomas Eakins to architects like Frank Lloyd Wright, this site is a fantastic resource for anyone interested in art!

The New York Times (Link)
You can browse both new and classic New York Times issues through GALILEO, but we're linking to the more recent articles, because - crosswords!  Current events!  Movie, book, fashion, and music reviews!  There's nothing like having a reliable, interesting news source at your fingertips.

Georgia Stories (Link)
Georgia Stories takes you back in time through Georgia's history with its in-depth collection of videos, biographies and podcasts.  This is a great resource for learning about Georgia's past, and its series of 107 videos ranges from early Native American history to the present day.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Library Calendar for Spring/Summer 2012

The library's calendar for Spring and Summer 2012 is now available online. You can find our hours of operation of this calendar. Are there other dates or events that you would like us to include on our calendar?