Thursday, March 7, 2013

Women's History Month Links

March is Women's History Month, and GALILEO has some great links to help you celebrate the heroines of the women's rights movement.

You can find the complete list of links here, or check out some of the highlights we've linked to below!

Encyclopedia Britannica Profiles 300 Women Who Changed the World (link)
A great collection of biographies, videos, maps and timelines of women around the world who changed history.

Women of Distinction in Georgia (link)
Biographies of famous Georgian women through history, including author Flannery O'Connor and Haines Institute founder Lucy Craft Laney.

Georgia Women's Movement Oral History Project (link)
Listen to spoken recordings of women discussing their role in the Georgia women's rights movement.  Find interviews through the letter tabs at the top of the webpage.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Student Spotlight: A-Hunting We Will Go, Part 3

Some rights reserved by kkirugi
This week's Student Spotlight is a three-part short story from Southern Crescent student Jeremy Cato.  

Link to Part 1
Link to Part 2

A-Hunting We Will Go: Part 3

by Jeremy Cato

I walk closer to him, asking over and over if he was ok, and I pleaded to him as I hurried as fast as I could to get back. Ryan just hung there shaking and had a look upon his face of complete madness. Fire replaced his eyes. He seemed as though he was in shock or something. As I drew near him I detected a foul odor that was strong and fresh. Then it dawned on me what the smell was. It was deer urine. “What did you do, spill the deer attractant on you while I was gone?” I asked, in a kidding type of voice.
     “THAT DAMN DEER PISSED ON ME,” he blurted with a deep demonic voice.
     “WHAT?” I asked in dismay.
     “Yeah, he came right up to me, smelled me for a minute, and then hiked his leg up. I knew what he was about to do so I moved enough to get my pistol from my shoulder holster and got off a shot. I don’t know if I hit him or not,” he ranted and raved.
      I finally got Ryan loose after at least an hour and a half of cutting and pulling barbed wire. I helped him gather the things that he lost on his roll down the hill and the sudden stop by the barbed wire. “Let’s get to the truck and go home,” I barked.
       “Heck yeah,” he chimed back.
       On the way back to the truck, Ryan told me more about the deer that had urinated on him and the size of his monster antlers. “Wow, too bad you didn’t kill him with your pistol, that would have been the trophy of a life time!” I exclaimed.
       “Sure would have,” he answered back.
       We went two more yards when all of a sudden this huge buck jumped out of the brush five yards from us. I quickly took my gun off  safety and shot the deer and it dropped to the earth with a thud. I ran up to it and began examining my kill. He was a beauty. As I examined him I noticed fresh blood on the buck as well as that odor that their urine gives off.
       “OH MY GOD, RYAN, THIS IS THE DEER THAT PISSED IN YOU!!” I yelled. Ryan ran over and with an amazement look on his face said, “I’ll be a mixed puppy, it is.”
       “I could not have gotten that lucky. I can’t believe it’s the same buck.” I said.  Ryan said nothing but I went to work field-dressing my kill. I finished my task and ask Ryan to help me drag it the rest of the way to the truck. He refused at first, but I talked him into it. If he wanted some of the meat it was his only option.
       On the way home, Ryan didn’t say much. I guessed it was because in reality it was his buck that was going to be mounted on my wall. A nice fourteen pointer above my fire place instead of his, I took as an insult considering he had dealings with the buck first.
       We arrived at Ryan’s and when he got out of the truck he told me he was done hunting. I didn’t question him. I went home to get my wall ready for my deer head. Ryan and I haven’t gone hunting since. Summer is coming soon and Ryan keeps bragging on this new fishing pole he has purchased. I went and bought me one too. I guess our next adventures will consist of being on a lake somewhere. I guess that bass boat I have always wanted will be in my drive way this pay day.    

The end!

Monday, March 4, 2013

April Book Club: The Life of Pi

Flint River Book Club

Join the Book Club this month in reading Yann Martel's Life of Pi!  The inspiration for Ang Lee's Oscar-winning movie, Life of Pi tells a hallucinatory story of a boy stranded on a boat with a tiger, lost in the middle of the ocean. 

Book Club meets in the Flint River Library on Thursday, April 4 at 12.30.  

Find a copy of the book!